Model and Actress 'Angeline Parent' Graces The Cover of OTS Magazine February 2024 Cover Story Lensed By Greg Alexander.

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Fashion Model Angeline Parent teams up with photographer Greg Alexander for OTS Magazine's latest cover story.

Greg Alexander captured the vibrant cover image, of which the model was styled in stunning outfits by fashion designer Lena Erziak. Carine Larchet, an incredible makeup artist, Alexander Von Trentini, a hair stylist, Sébastien Vienne, the art director, and production team " MEPHISTOPHELES" all contributed to making this cover story a magical one.
Angeline Parent Graces The Cover of OTS Magazine Feburary 2024 Cover Story Lensed By Greg Alexander.
Tell us about yourself and your background.
I’m Angeline Parent, I’m 27 years old, and living in the north of France, I have been doing modeling since 2014. I started when I was 18 years old with my agency in Lille then I went to Milano to work for Elite. 

How and when did you discover you had a passion for modelling?
I remember always loving taking pictures of myself and playing the model in my bedroom lol, I also used to dance in the past so I was not scared about people watching me doing things. I’ve always loved playing with the camera.

In your own words please describe your style as a model?
I wear really chill clothes, when we work we always stand up in heels so I rather wear sneakers or chill boots like Ugg with an oversized sweater. In summer I would go for long dresses and sandals. 
If I’m working I would go for this type of clothes, but in my personal life, it’s different. Depending on my mood of the day 

Do you remember your first experience in front of the Camera?
As I previously mentioned, I had always enjoyed experimenting with cameras, but I took my first photo for the elite contest registration. Rather than snapping a selfie with my phone, I wanted to send a professionally taken photo. I wanted to provide myself every opportunity to be chosen. 
I was quite at ease and self-assured because it was with a photographer from my hometown. 

How big a role does modelling play in your life?
I quit my modelling studies when Elite invited me to Milan for two months. It has been my full-time job ever since. I was able to travel, meet individuals from all over the world, and visit locations I would have never been able to go to otherwise. 

Who or what is your biggest motivation in life?
I just want to make my family proud of me, seeing my parents being happy is my all-time goal.

What advice would you offer to other aspiring models who wish to set their own style and not be like everyone else?
I would just say to be yourself, don’t try to play a role cause we can see it, just be who you are. 
When I started 10 years ago, I remember the casting when we were all wearing black t-shirts, black skinny jeans and heels. We were all looking the same since now things have changed and we can get the chance to come as we are.  
Angeline Parent Graces The Cover of OTS Magazine Feburary 2024 Cover Story Lensed By Greg Alexander.
What Would You Consider the Most Important Components of Your Style? And Do You Feel You Have A Signature Style as a model?
I think I’m a chameleon sometimes I don’t look the same in every picture. My friends tell me sometimes they don’t recognize me and I kinda like it, it’s like being an actor and playing a new character.

If you could change one thing about the fashion and modelling industry, what would it be? What would you improve?
I have been struggling for a long time with my measurements. I remember the stress I had going to my agency knowing they gonna check my body from every angle, there was no in-between the skinny model or plus size. It’s 34 or 44. Which is funny sometimes when the samples are way too big so we need to pin them behind our backs. I worked for Miu Miu when I was 95cm hips when my agency wanted me to go home because I got (fat ). So maybe think about the fact that yes, you can work if you are over a size XS or under XXL. 

What is the most challenging part of being a model?
Every job is a new challenge, and clients will be asking you things sometimes that you've never done in the past, for me, it could be this.

What are some of the biggest hurdles you have been faced with as a model and how did you overcome them?
My weight, I remember my old agency telling me to eat an apple for lunch and yogurt for dinner. Still unbelievable when I think about this today. But I never listened, I never wanted to lose myself for a career, for a job, or whatever. So I focused on good food, and I went to the gym with a coach. Then I kept going by myself. 

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
My « I’ll do it later » side. 
Because when it’s too late, you can not go back. 

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
My patience, I always try to be really professional, no matter how hard the conditions are. When we shoot the summer collection outside in January for example lol

Who are some of your favourite photographers to work with?
Without hesitation, Dimitri Mosiniak called Saint Ambroise on Instagram who became a friend to me
And also Greg Alexander with whom I worked a lot of times. Being surrounded by people you know and love is a real bonus in this job. 

What’s your most memorable shoot?
My first one was in Milano for my book, where I discovered everything working with professionals, photographers, hairstylists, makeup artists in a big studio, I was so impressed.

What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
The day I coached a woman with breast cancer for a charity show. I stayed with her all day teaching her how to walk. How to be proud of herself to show people that it’s not an end when you are sick. 
I was not paid for this job of course but I knew I could do this every day. I felt so blessed. 

Becoming a model really introduces one major condition into your life which is “Consistency” , Do you think this theory is accurate or not?
This job requires almost perfect consistency and diligence. You have to be at your best physically but also mentally, follow through on projects, and never give up and that helps me in my personal life as well.

Is there any brand you would love to model for?
When I was younger I always dreamed of walking for big brands such as Chanel or Louis Vuitton. Now it’s different. Every brand has its own art and I’m proud to work for all of them. 
Angeline Parent Graces The Cover of OTS Magazine February 2024 Cover Story Lensed By Greg Alexander.
What does the word “Women Empowerment “mean to you? And how does it help women?
I think it represents the fact that women are now taking on a more independent role in society. It's true that back then we were dependent on men. But I'm glad that it's now accepted that women can and must exist on their own. 

It helps women who are not yet aware of their power to be themselves. Seeing that others can do it, why shouldn't they?

How do you empower females through your work?
I try to promote this spirit of self-power by perpetuating the idea that a woman can change things through fashion, trends, and lifestyles where all women can fulfill themselves. The most influential people in the field of personal development are women. I think I can translate this into campaigns and events (fashion shows) where I feel good. I feel good in the sense that I'm confident with myself, and I want to pass that on to other women 

What are your latest and upcoming projects?
I don’t really think about the future for now, but I know my career is not long-lasting anymore. But I think I will stay in the beauty industry. 

What are you doing when you are not working?
I go back to my hometown, staying with my family, friends, and my boyfriend, having good times with them gives me the energy until the next job 

What is your beauty regimen and how do you stay in shape?
I don’t do any diet, I’m not really an example ahah, for me it’s all about balance, you can eat whatever you want, but with moderation. 

Any last words you’d like to add?
Thank you for having me, and for the people reading this who want to become a model, just never forget where you come from.

Team Credits:
Photographer: Greg Alexander
Designer: Lena Erziak
Casting Director: Greg Alexander
Art Director: Sébastien Vienne 
Do not copy, use, duplicate, or download any of these Images without permission (All rights reserved).
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