Spotlight Feature: Fine Art and Portrait Photoartist -Alice Alinari Wows Us Again With Her Captivating Underwater Photoshoots.

by - 11:47:00

Moscow-based photographer Alice Alinari delights her audience with beautiful surreal photo concepts.
Her photos tell stories of strong personalities such as elves, mermaids, and majestic queens.
We are more in love with her " Underwater" Photoshoot concept as it depicts what the fantasy life should look like underwater.
Photography Bio:
My journey as a photographer began in my teens. After 2006, my classmates and I got telephones with a camera. At that time, we just had fun when we took pictures, but I really liked it and I began to come up with a different story for my photographs. In 2008, the first program for a quick retouch of photographs appeared on my computer. I can't remember the exact name, but it was a program from Corel. I enjoyed practicing photography and creating something new. 
My father had a semi-professional Konica Minolta A200 camera, he traveled a lot and therefore photographed a lot. Semi-professional equipment was also sufficient for his needs. This became my first camera.  I did photoshoots for my friends. These were portraits and lifestyles.
In 2010, I fell in love for the first time and started dating a guy. He was 6 years older than me and worked as a designer in a magazine, he was also a good artist and worked as a photo model in his free time. He did not like working in a corporate environment and dreamed of doing something creative on his own. Looking back now, I understand that we were united by a love of art. After 3 months we decided to try to become commercial photographers.
The first thing we needed to do was create a portfolio and we started looking for models, makeup artists, and costume designers. I mentioned that he used to work as a photo model, so he knew where to look for the right people. 
Over the years, I have studied a huge number of books on drawing, composition, and color science to be a professional. I believe that without this it is impossible to become a truly good photo artist. By the way, now I never call myself a photographer, only a photo-artist because the whole essence of my work is in retouching.
You can find more about Alice Alinari on Instagram
Photos Copyright: Alice Alinari
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