Ashi Studio Spring Summer 2024 Haute Couture collection fashion show at Paris Couture Week SS24

by - 12:33:00

 Beginning with a gastronomic influence, the Ashi Studio Spring Summer 2024 haute couture collection was a sensory extravaganza. Famous Parisian designer Mohammed Ashi began a fascinating investigation into Japanese culture after having an interesting experience with charcoal in a Japanese restaurant. He became interested in calligraphy and waka, a condensed style of Japanese poetry, as a result of this voyage. But rather of making a clear allusion, Ashi aimed to use his characteristic sculptured silhouettes to evoke strong feelings.
Ashi Studio Spring Summer 2024 Haute Couture collection fashion show at Paris Couture Week SS24
The show began with an eye-catching suit with clean, straight lines that were cleverly broken up with raffia bristles. The collection's avant-garde beginning established the standard for how well heritage and modern elegance blended together. The next set of clothes had a translucent bodice cascading into an alluring tumble of drapes that accentuated the hips on a sheer, skin-baring gown. The elegant way that kimonos fall over the shoulder served as inspiration for the collection's other highlights, which included sheathes with high side cuts and minis that resembled cocoons.
Ashi Studio Spring Summer 2024 Haute Couture collection fashion show at Paris Couture Week SS24
Ashi's investigation of Japanese culture resulted in sculptures with expressive and skillful outlines. The shimmering textures and black and white colour scheme were intended to evoke the delicate feelings one can get when reading a poem. Seashells and sequins were added as decorations to highlight this lyrical touch, resulting in materials that not only captured the eye but also had an appealing sound, adding to the whole experience. The audience was taken on a holistic experience because to the inclusion of ASMR components, such as the distinctive sound of seashells and sequins.
Ashi Studio Spring Summer 2024 Haute Couture collection fashion show at Paris Couture Week SS24
The designer's second creation showcased a refined progression, re-establishing a connection with the sculptural elements investigated in Ashi's previous work. The end result of the combination of raffia, translucent materials, and draping techniques was clothing that was visually arresting and yet expressed substance and depth. The audience expressed a greater appreciation for the fusion of Ashi's avant-garde design philosophy and Japanese cultural elements, demonstrating the collection's connection with the fashion elite present.

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